With 2019 being our most notorious year to date releasing another two world first products the question is asked more and more where my obsession with fake tan began. This unravelled a line of memories that I didn’t realise existed.
The transition from a small brand with big ideas to a serious industry contender within such a short space of time has been a combination of 3 factors, high quality products formulated by our amazing chemist who we can never thank enough, my absolute dream of a team that works day and night to make my thoughts, ideas and visions a reality, and finally but most importantly you, our fabulous customers that send us insanely good pictures, messages of support and encouragement, but above all declarations of confidence given to you by Rose & Caramel products.
Confidence is a delicate subject with many ladies, I have always had an extremely pale complexion which is who I am but I desperately desired to tan in the sun from such a young age & it just never happened. I must of been around 11 and I went on a family holiday & I swear to god I gained 2 freckles in 2 weeks of sun I was mortified and to my absolute astonishment my mum gave in to my mithering and allowed me to buy my first bottle of fake tan.
It was from The Body Shop a thin lotion with a watermelon scent. I can’t believe the detail I can remember about it, I applied it and woke up extremely brown and went to school the next day feeling the best I had ever felt, I mean I finally felt like I looked good and all the girls said wow look at the colour of you I didn’t tell a soul it was fake…… until dinner time and someone on the yard said oh my god look at her hands…. they were bright orange! I mean illuminous. Luckily even though I was dying inside I managed to laugh it off!! So, I guess that was the start of a lifelong relationship that developed between myself and self-tan.
Since the early age of 11 it’s been my go-to product to boost my look, my mood, my confidence. It was never a direct marketing strategy to repost all my clients in Rose & Caramel, that was genuinely myself wanting to show gratitude and thanks to customers taking the time to take pictures of themselves in my creations and without knowing it my customers loyalty and dedication has grown Rose & Caramel into the brand we are today.
Rose & Caramel confidence is definitely the forefront of 2020. Which brings us to our Newest Campaign I TAN FOR ME @roseandcaramel
This is our most important campaign to date! We want our customers to be confident in their own skin & to say I TAN FOR ME. This is not for others but to encourage ME be the BEST version of myself possible.
Our efforts are put into providing the best service possible to product knowledge, tan matching, customer service & delivery.
Being able to project confidence into the world as it stands today is the most precious gift I could ask for. I’ve always wanted to make people feel pretty as it’s what every single human on the planet deserves and unfortunately only the smallest proportion of the population are lucky enough to experience real self-confidence.
So as much as some may think our contribution to confidence in 2020 is not the biggest, when you receive a message from a girl who found the confidence to go on a first date with the boy she liked after using our tan, or a lady who hadn’t worn shorts on holiday for years until she found nudity tan, or a woman who feels confident to bare her scars when using Rose & Caramel, you will never understand the complete and utter appreciation I feel for this privileged position.
You never really understand life until it’s panned out, and all I can see is that all my years of low self-esteem & confidence issues are now the foundations to help build others confidence across the globe. Rose & Caramel confidence is out for avengence & we want as many ladies as possible to join I TAN FOR ME @roseandcaramel #roseandcaramel #roseandcaramelconfidence #itanforme
Just remember to use a good quality mitt everyone, the 11-year-old Rosie really begs you of that, because no matter how much I laughed it off, it’s quite clearly still a vivid memory in my mind!
We are overwhelmed with the response the I Tan For Me Campaign has got in such a short space of time.